Don't You Want to Run Ireland with Me? #RUNIRISHLUCK

I have been traveling the last few weeks so this post is coming much later than I would like. I have so many updates to share about running Hood to Coast with Nuun Hydration, NYC with espnW and the US Open and more, but this post is time sensitive! I was chosen as a finalist in the Nike Running Free Run competition. I created the run of my dreams in Phase 1 of the contest and now I need your help in Phase 2! All you have to do is log your runs with Nike+ from August 20 - September 13 and share them on Twitter with the hashtag #runirishluck and your miles count as a vote for my run! At the end of the contest, Nike Running will pick one run as the winner and the creator of the dream run and the top contributors get to go on an all expenses paid adventure! Excited yet? This would absolutely be my dream! For more information simply click on this link

What my run looks like so far.

I created my dream run through Ireland and am in awe of what an opportunity this would be. Any runs that you can contribute, friends that you can recruit and tweets and posts that you share would be a great help! As you can see, there are 74 contributors at the time of this post who have already logged 381 runs! Thank you so much if you have contributed and if you haven't, what are you waiting for? Your miles not only help me reach my dream run, but they could also get you to Ireland as well! Nike is creating the opportunity of a lifetime and I do not want to miss out! If you don't believe me when I say what an awesome opportunity this would be just search #montaukproject on Twitter and Instagram and you'll see what great adventures that Nike Running plans for consumers. 

Short Clip from My Free Run!

Running through other countries and on other continents throughout the world would be a dream for me. Please help by logging your miles towards my run! After all, if you are already running or training for a race you might as well make those miles count! 

The Nike+ App is free and you can easily log your runs from there and tag them to Twitter directly from your phone. If you don't have the app be sure to download it today and start running! I wish you the best of luck in your training and running journeys and hope we get to #RUNIRISHLUCK together soon! If you have any questions for me just ask!

Happy Training!
