The Nike Studio Wrap Impresses

I know I just recently posted a photo of these shoes on my blog, but I recently found this video, and it is amazing! I have always known the importance of having individualized shoes for a sport. In high school I had different shoes for basketball, volleyball and tennis and they all served different purposes. Volleyball shoes keep you low to the ground, support side to side movement and have a sturdy sole. Basketball shoes support your ankles while allowing all around motion, and running shoes are created to stabilize the forward motion of your stride. Each shoe serves a different purpose and is as important to your training as performing drills over and over again. Check out Nike Master Trainer, Marie Purvis, post on the importance of sport specific shoes over at her blog.

Now, thanks to Nike, yoga has a shoe of its own. This shoe is sure to impress. It allows stability, freedom of motion, grip and it is visually appealing. It can also be worn straight from the street to the gym, with the handy two in one design.

This video is absolutely amazing! I really think that every girl needs these shoes. Yoga class is essential to keeping me limber, agile and more pain free. The Nike Studio Wrap shown in this film will really revolutionize my yoga practice. I, for one, am always sliding around my mat, and not only are these shoes cute, they are so useful!

I know what I will be saving for in February when these shoes come out! I'll be sure to let you know what I think when I actually get to put these babies on my feet and test them out during an NTC yoga workout. Thanks Nike Women for taking my yoga practice to the next level. You truly have the best designers and talented individuals working to improve sport performance everyday.