Nike Takes to the Studio

This past week has been very busy. With running, basketball, and watching the Australian Open tennis tournament every evening, I have been extremely busy! Sorry that I have been neglecting the blog, but here's a quick post to catch you up to date!

This past week I have experimented with becoming vegan, and so far so good. I really haven't struggled much, except when a huge pizza was sitting on the counter - covered in cheese, but I held strong. I must say I have felt a bit better and my skin seems to be clearer. I am enjoying the challenge and can't wait to see what this does for my running ability. I have found a lot of great recipes to try, so I am looking forward to giving them a shot soon.

I just found these crazy shoes on the Nike Pinterest page. The Nike Studio Wrap looks like such a great idea. I love doing barefoot classes at the gym, such as kickboxing, taekwondo and yoga. These shoes would offer great traction and be a unique sight at the gym. I can't wait to try them out in February when Nike releases them online and in stores. What do you think?

How has your training been going? I know some of my friends have been crushing their mileage recently and are beginning to train for upcoming races. I have hit 70 miles for this month and am hoping to be close to 100 my January 30.