I Won!

Today I woke up to find a congratulatory note on my Facebook page. Wondering what it was for, I was pleasantly surprised that it was from the Anywhere5k race I ran in! I did not expect to win this at all. There are so many people that are faster than me, but not yesterday! (Perhaps they didn't register, but no matter, I finally won a race!) I was the fastest female and now will forever wear the title of Anywhere5k champion! What a way to end the year. This win also showed me the importance of working on my speed and how becoming faster may eventually lead to more race wins. I know I will never be an Olympic Champion, but I do hope that I can remain competitive in the coming years.

Nike has been running their #makeitcount campaign on Twitter the past week and I got a cool shout-out from them today. I have big goals for 2013 regarding racing, one of which is conquering the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco and the other is competing in my first triathlon. This photo was a great way to start of the year, and my training right. I have a powerful team of supporters behind me and friends that surround me and I know that anything is possible.

This is my final post for 2012, but it is definitely not my last! In fact, I hope to make many updates, changes and improvements to the blog over the next few months. If you have any suggestions or things you like feel free to let me know in the comments. Stay tuned!

I wish you a very Happy New Year and happy training!