The Nike+ Fuelband Family Grows!

The Nike+ Fuelband is a relatively new product from Nike. I have been using mine since April of this year. Many people wonder what exactly "Nike Fuel" is and I want to let you know how I have been able to gain so much fitness and motivate myself to push harder with this little device. It's a way to track and measure your daily activity level without ever having to journal in a notebook or log every workout. Just put the bracelet on every day, workout as usual and sync wirelessly with your iPhone! 

The three Fuelband colors!

Nike Fuel is a measure of activity and that activity is measured the same no matter what activity you are doing. You can compete with your friends in different sports and at different times a day because all of your activity is measured the same. Whether you play basketball, football, soccer, tennis, or run; all these activities are measured and calculated using Nike Fuel. When you connect with your friends on Facebook you can see their goals and compete for the top spot on the leader board! 

I had the pleasure of meeting some of the members of the Nike+ Fuelband team at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco and they were an awesome group. They had their new "White Ice" Fuelband with them and we got to try it on! It is a great new color and comes out just in time for the holidays. On October 31st you can get your hands on one of these at a Nike retail store, Apple store or online! 

The Nike+ Fuelband is a great fitness tool that I use to motivate myself to move more every day. Sometimes I set my goals higher, sometimes lower, but I always try to move more. The competitive side of me loves competing with my friends and my own previous records. So far I have earned over 1,000,000 Nike Fuel and am working on the two million mark. With more and more of my friends joining the challenge every day and getting their own Fuelbands, the competition just keeps heating up! Are you going to join the movement?