And the Winner Is....

After reading all your great comments I had to resort to a random draw to pick the winning comment and the winner is...Ponderings from a Full Plate! Congratulations on winning a signed copy of Running the Edge! Your running life is about to change for the better. Be sure to let me know what you think when you receive your copy.

Today marked the five week countdown to the Nike Women's Marathon! I have been having an IT Band flare up and am taking it a little easy on the running this week. Biking, pool running, yoga and PT exercises this week will hopefully get me back into fighting shape quickly. Injuries are common when training for an endurance event so I am just trying to do my best to not make it worse and get back to training quickly.

I am hoping to PR at this marathon and I know that resting for a few days will be better than pushing through pain and injuring myself more. I want to make this my defining race and I am ready to put in all the necessary training, even when that calls for rest.

What do you do when an injury strikes? Do you push through or pull back?