Find Your Greatness - Nike Style!

Nike just launched a great new campaign called "Find Your greatness." It is basically a campaign that is promoting the ability of each person to strive for their own personal best. Greatness is not reserved for the select few, it is accessible to everyone. The movie is incredible and will make you want to reach for your goals and train harder every day. It shows how anyone can become great with hard work, perseverance and belief.

This year I feel like Nike Women has given me the opportunity to find my greatness. They have given me opportunities that I never thought possible and pushed me beyond my limits. I am running faster and longer distances than I thought possible and I still have a lot to improve on. With an individualized training plan from Nike Trainer Marie Purvis and motivation from the ladies at Nike Women, each day is a new adventure. I don't want to waste a minute of my opportunity and will continue to train to be better every day.

My Sisters In Nike have created their own greatness as well and have reached for new goals. They are amazing and supportive. Athletes come from everywhere, in every sport and in every shape. My Sisters In Nike have taught me that no matter how I am feeling, with their support I can get through any workout. Together we will finish the Nike Women's Marathon stronger than we were six months ago. I hope that we will be able to run many races together in the future and my dream is to be able to run the Hood to Coast race together in Portland with my Sisters In Nike and with Nike Women! One step at a time, but a girl can dream right? Check out our new Facebook page at for more updates!

Today I found out that I was the third place finisher in the Nike Heel Kicks Challenge! All of my training is paying off. I loved seeing my Twitter handle @superwomankw on the leader board. Thanks Nike Training and Nike Women!

Here is my video doing Heel Kicks for my third place finish! What a fun time. I just got this Nike Women's Running dress and I LOVE it! So lightweight and you don't have to worry about it riding up while you run. Perfect when paired with a pair of dry-fit capris. 

Happy training everyone. How do you Find Your Greatness? I'd love to know, share it in a comment below or tweet @nikewomen, @niketraining and me @superwomankw! Now go out there and show the world what you are made of!