Challenge Results and Week 3 of Training

Today was a day of many challenges and successes. I made it on the leader board in the Skip Knee challenge from Nike Women and Nike Training! I was so excited. It turns out I didn't do the correct form, I was doing high knees instead of bringing my knee across my body, but I redid them tonight and really felt the difference. Follow @nikewomen and @niketraining on Twitter to participate in their upcoming challenges. I'd love to compete against you!

Today was also my first tempo run. I had a three miler with each mile needing to be 1 minute to 1.5 minutes faster than my normal pace. I warmed up for one mile and then started running. I was able to keep up a pretty good pace, much faster than I usually do and was able to get a few negative splits in! Woohoo! All my training is finally paying off. I felt like I broke through a bit of a wall tonight with what I felt like was my average running pace. If I can do this once, who is to say I can't do it again? I only had 40 minutes to run so I had to really push my pace. I had taekwondo class immediately after and did not want to miss it. I had to skip my cool down mile, but was able to make taekwondo my cool down time. Tomorrow I have another 3 miler and a tough #NTC workout, but I am ready!

Taekwondo class was very informative. We had a guest instructor tonight from the police force and SWAT team that showed us some great moves to help us in any situation. The most important thing to remember is to never show weakness and to fight an attacker until you escape or you die. Your chances of survival go down significantly when you go with them or are taken into their car. The last thing an attacker wants is for you to make a scene, so make noise, fight back and survive. 

Today was a great training day and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am looking forward to tomorrow and the weekend!