A Single Step

"To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping." -Chinese Proverb

Today was a busy day. I needed to go for a run but I didn't have much time. I got off work at five, stopped to grab groceries and hit the gym for a 2.5 mile run. Then I promptly went to taekwondo class at six followed by a tennis match at seven. I was close to being overbooked, with each activity running into the next.

I was tired before, but told myself I could not quit. I had to take those first few steps on the treadmill to get into my running groove. Once I had started I began feeling good and pacing myself. I always love to workout, but sometimes getting to the gym is the hardest part. Just like training for a marathon, there will always be people who say you can't do it, or don't believe in you, but they are simply not brave enough to take that first step and just continue stepping.

You are capable of anything that you put your mind to. No matter what you want in life, never give up or let others influence you in a negative way. Surround yourself with positive people and get motivation from your support system. Don't be afraid to put one foot in front of the other and move towards your goals. Just keep stepping.