Weekend Warrior

This weekend I am running the Wounded Veteran Run in Folsom, CA. I am excited to be using my holiday weekend to run for something as beneficial as this run. This race was started just last year by a local student whose brother was wounded in battle. It's so much more touching when the race hits close to home. I am running with a group from work and it will be a great experience.

I also have a race planned for next weekend, but it is only a 5k so it should just be a brief training run. Since this next week I will be starting my Marathon training for my new Nike Women Ambassadorship, I don't want to do to many other races! That's right ladies, I'm here to promote Nike Women and work with them to reach my PR at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in October. I will be keeping you updated on my progress and would love to have you share this journey with me.

What are you up to this Memorial Day weekend?