Oakley Perform Beautifully Contest

I just entered the Oakley "Perform Beautifully" Ambassador contest. This is a great opportunity for any woman who is passionate about fitness and health to get the opportunity to work with Oakley. All you have to do is go to their Facebook page and click on the "perform beautifully" contest tab. I just entered the contest this morning and am hoping for the chance to join their team. I encourage anyone who is interested to enter as this is a fantastic opportunity to expand your contacts, increase your fitness skills and interact face to face with a company and other women that share your same passions and values.

Previous ambassadors participated in many Oakley events, enjoyed Oakley products and participated in a fitness weekend sponsored by Oakley in Napa Valley, CA. I personally love blogging about my fitness journey and sharing my goals and successes on my blog. Becoming an Oakley ambassador would open more doors to the fitness world and be a dream come true for me. I love empowering other women and Oakley seems to be as passionate and driven as me in accomplishing that goal.

If you are a passionate, athletic woman who believes in your ability to "perform beautifully" and empower and inspire others to do the same then check out this contest, you won't regret entering. This truly in the chance of a lifetime and a chance to inspire others in ways you may have never been able to in your current position. Enjoy and good luck!