Nike Blog Feature

Nike did a special feature on my half-marathon run this last weekend with them. You can check it out at the blog on They were kind enough to feature two runners participating in the virtual race and I was one of the lucky ones chosen! Not only did I receive a Nike+ kit, but I also got the chance to share my experience with all of you great ladies who follow Nike Women. 

This half-marathon was great and I hope you all get a chance to participate in one at some point. The feeling of accomplishment when you finish those last few miles just can't be beat. I have been resting some this week, I only went running once, but I have been working a lot on my strength training and stretching. I have also been keeping up with my Nike Training Club workouts that I love so much. If you haven't gotten the app yet you should really check it out! 

I've also been watching a lot of tennis this week with the Australian Open going on so that has cut into my workout time. The final is Saturday and I couldn't be more excited. I'm ready to get my cheering mode on and cheer for Rafa Nadal and Maria Sharapova. Time to make every move count!