New Year, New Goals!

Happy 2012 everyone! I know it's going to be a great year. This last year was amazing for me. I got married, ran my first marathon, rocked the Nike Training Club app, made some great new friends and motivators via blogging (yogaeatrun) and learned to push my body to the limit. So what will my new year be holding?

Relaxing after my first Nike Women's Marathon 2011!

I want 2012 to top this last year, so we will see how far I can take myself and how strong I can make myself. With my ambition and all my motivating family, friends, and social media guru's (@nikegetfit and @nikewomen) I know I can achieve great things. My goals for this year are as follows:
  • Run a second marathon and beat my previous time
  • Become NASM personal trainer certified
  • Become Nike Training Club certified
  • Get my Blackbelt in Taekwondo

Half way to my blackbelt!

Let me know how you plan to up your training and goals in 2012! Goals always push me to work harder and telling people about my goals keeps me accountable, so let me hear yours! Good luck and I wish you all the best in 2012!