2012-Year of Inspiration

The summer Olympics are coming up in a few short months and I am so excited. The top athletes in the world will come together and battle to be given the ultimate prize, a gold medal and bragging rights for the next 4 years.

This past weekend my favorite runner, Kara Goucher battled for a chance to compete for the USA in the Olympic marathon. She ran an amazing race and is now a member of the 2012 Olympic team. I know that I will be following her training and road to the Olympics from here on out. Not only is she an incredible athlete, but she is a very inspiring person. She spoke at my first marathon - the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco - this past year and inspired me to perform at my very best in everything I do.

All the athletes at the games have the ability to inspire and amaze me every time that they compete. Their passion, drive and determination are unmatched. I only hope that I can apply a similar amount of determination into everything I take on in my life, whether it be fitness, work or my relationships. In 2012 I am going to put all my energy into making every moment count.