Running and Nike+

The great thing about running is that it is one of the only sports that you can do whenever and wherever you are. You can run in the daytime, at night, on a treadmill, on a track, at a field, on the sidewalk...I never run out of places to run. Thanks to nike running now I can track all my runs via GPS with their sport-watch and Nike+ gadgets.

I love the ease of use Nike puts into their GPS products and the simplicity of their website. In a way, their approach to outfitting the athlete is the same as my approach to running. It is simplistic, yet can bring you more joy than anything, and is always something you can count on. I love my new Nike+ sport-watch and can't imagine running without it now. It is so accurate and pushes me to go further every run.

Nike has given me top notch shoes, clothes, and accessories to turn my ordinary runs into exceptional runs. Nike began with running and so it is fitting that they have transformed the running community into what it is today.

Check out Nike Running on Facebook and follow @nikerunning on twitter for up to date news and motivational tips from their global running community!