Nike Brand Marketing

Nike does all the right things in Brand Marketing. They sell a feeling, a state of being, in essence they sell soul. In everything they set out to do they think of the athlete first. They product test their new designs on many product testers, sometimes thousands of product testers before they let them hit the shelves. I was lucky enough to be one of these testers and have experienced Nike's commitment to excellence in their products. They are always striving to be more, to achieve more and to make a better product for their athletes, whether professional or simply a consumer.

Some people say that I am obsessed with Nike and I would have to agree with them to some extent. I think I am more obsessed with what they represent. Nike represents everything that I hope to embody in myself. I am always striving to become a better version of myself, always working harder to try to become more.

Success is not measured by how many times you failed, but by the result of you trials and errors. Success comes as a result of working hard every day, of always pushing for more. Nike is just one brand that stands out above the rest because of their global presence. Nike has embraced social media, immerses itself in college and professional sports, and focuses campaigns on improving an athletes performance rather than on their product. Isn't that what it is really about? Nike would have achieved nothing if they didn't back up their promises to athletes to constantly be striving for more. Nike practices what they preach in every way possible and I hope that I do the same.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that it is my career goal to work for Nike and become one of these game changers. I know that I have the passion and the knowledge of Nike and their culture to succeed, it's just a matter of always striving for my best and getting that first chance. Someday I will be proud to walk their Beaverton campus and work towards achieving a better tomorrow for athletes everywhere. Until then, I'll keep on running, running towards my goal.