Nike Women and Hope Solo

Twitter is an amazing tool and my favorite account to follow is NikeWomen! They always have amazing tips to share and contests to enter. This time it was my tweet that won the limited edition "Hope Knows" tee. I couldn't be more excited. If you're interested in keeping up with all things Nike Women and like the chance to win free workout apparel, then follow NikeWomen on Twitter today. You won't regret it and you may even end up with some amazing workout apparel too.

Also, be sure to check out and the Nike Women Facebook page for more in depth updates. While you are there check out the Nike Training Club page and then download the App for your iphone today. It has in depth workouts that you can do at home for free with little to no equipment. Trust me, this workout is no joke either, you will get results and feel the burn every time you complete a workout. And every month there is a new 15 minute celebrity athlete workout to download, like the Hope Solo "Unbeatable" workout.