NWM 26.2

This past Sunday I completed my first marathon. It took me 4 hours and 35 minutes, but it was so much fun! For my first marathon I chose the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. I was lucky enough to be chosen in the lottery and was one of the 20,000 strong women (and a few men) who enjoyed this weekend together. Nike really knows how to put on an event. Every activity they had was amazing. Nike brought in Olympic runner Kara Goucher, my personal hero, to motivate and inspire us before the race. They also had excellent trainers there, Jay Blahnik and Marie Purvis (NikeGetFit). I was even able to participate in a live Nike Training Club session with Marie. It was amazing, Marie is so inspirational.

Sunday morning I lined up with 20,000 others and took off across San Francisco at 7:00am! The run was beautiful with views of the city, fisherman's wharf, the ocean, through the park and around Lake Merced. I was doing well until about mile 20, then my legs started to falter, but I kept going. Nike's power songs, food and water breaks, and all of the spectators cheering me on kept me running to the finish. Once I crossed that line I felt so fulfilled, and as I claimed my Tiffany's finisher necklace, finisher t-shirt and post race snacks I realized that I was now part of an elite group.

I am a marathoner and no one can ever take that away! Thank you Nike for making this such a great event, I hope to be a part of it next year!
Karen Poole