Core Power

Fear often stops me from trying new things, but lately I have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone in the realm of fitness. I just recently joined a new gym and tried out my first class tonight. I was a bit timid at first, especially when everyone else seemed to know each other, but as I warmed up to the class I began to thoroughly enjoy myself. I felt energized and amped to be learning new moves and lifting weights in ways more challenging than usual.

For 60 minutes I was free to just follow along and be the new kid. Tomorrow I will be hitting the mat with a yoga class and then friday I have a tennis evaluation and will be joining a league soon. I have never felt better and more energized than I do now and I know that each time I try something new I will grow into a stronger and better person.

What are you doing to try new things. Get yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things, you will be so glad you did. 
Karen Poole