Fitness App Review-NTC

I have tried numerous fitness apps and my new favorite is the Nike Training Club app. This app has to be the most comprehensive app on the market. It features 3 levels and hundreds of different workouts that can be customized to my needs. Whether I want to focus on strength, cardio or toning, there is a workout for my mood. Also the workout can be from 15 to 45 minutes depending on the length of time I want to spend working out. For every session you log on the app you cam get special rewards and unlock celebrity workouts and healthy recipes. NTC pushes you to keep reaching for the next level. Best of all this app is free! I have even been able to do the 15 minute workouts during breaks at work and recruited other coworkers to join me. This app can do the work of a personal trainer without the hefty gym fees. International trainer Marie Purvis developed this workout for Nike and she didn't leave any muscle group out. When you get a chance check this app out. Right now it is only available on apple devices but with it's rising popularity I am sure it will be available for every device soon. These workouts are catching on everywhere and you can even experience them in person at select 24 Hour fitness clubs. Check out NTC today, you don't want to miss this! For daily tips and workout ideas featuring the NTC app follow @nikewomen and @nikegetfit on Twitter. Get NTC today and make yourself unstoppable!
Karen Poole